Minorities and Women in the 109th Congress James Armistead, American Revolution patriot Tom Bradley, American politician Carol Mosely Braun, U.S. senator Edward Brooke, American politician Ralph Bunche, U.S. government official and United Nations diplomat Julia Carson, American politician Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm, American politician John Conyers, politician Paul Cuffe, U.S. merchant, seaman, and philanthropist Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American air force general Benjamin O. Davis, Sr., American general David Dinkins, political leader Joycelyn Elders, U.S. Surgeon General William H. Hastie, U.S. jurist Richard Gordon Hatcher, politician, law professor A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., prominent Black federal judge and historian Benjamin Hooks, American Black leader Jesse Jackson, political leader, clergyman, and civil-rights activist Maynard Jackson, mayor of Atlanta Daniel “Chappie” James, first Black U.S. Air Force general Barbara Jordan, lawyer, public official, and educator John Mercer Langston, public official, diplomat, educator Greenbury Logan, Texan soldier Thurgood Marshall, U.S. lawyer and Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Floyd McKissick, U.S. lawyer and civil-rights leader Kweisi Mfume, politician, NAACP leader Parren Mitchell, U.S. politician Eleanor Holmes Norton, lawyer and government official Barack Obama, U.S. politician P. B. S. Pinchback, U.S. politician Colin Powell, U.S. army general and public official Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., American politician and clergyman Joseph Rainey, U.S. politician A. Philip Randolph, U.S. labor leader Charles Rangel, U.S. politician Hiram R. Revels, U.S. clergyman, educator, and politician Condoleezza Rice, diplomat, professor Myra C. Selby, attorney, Indiana jurist Robert Smalls, U.S. captain in the Union navy and politician Carl B. Stokes, American political leader Clarence Thomas, associate justice of the U.S.. Supreme Court Harold Washington, American politician J. C. Watts, politician Robert C. Weaver, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Andrew Young, African American leader, clergyman, and public official Coleman Young, mayor of Detroit, labor organizer